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P05: The 3Ms

Further exploration of the scheme on the three scales of Macro, Meso and Micro; a summary of the project so far

Macro 1:1000


The existing Essoldo cinema adjoining the venue will be largely preserved,
modifying its East facade to accomodate structural members. The brick will be
reused and exposed within the building screening thickly insulated walls to
insulate against noise pollution.
The Essoldo still has scope to be re-established as a cinema as the two building
programmes can benefit one another.

The Bridgewater canal is the focus of the scheme as it is esteemed by the community
as one of its most iconic landmarks. With the canal's transportion links the site is
accessible and connected to Greater Manchester. The relaxing and idillic nature of
the waterfront will be utilised.

Neighbouring Residential buildings are shielded from overlooking and noise pollution
by strategic placment of fenestration and the acoustic orientated massing.


The Stretford Tram Station's exit directly engages with the building, this will be exploited to create a sense of journey.


The existing pedestrian route from tram to canal path is made much more convenient
and inclusive for users.


Staff, residents and performers primarily  access the building at ground level from
Chester Rd if arriving by vehicle.

Meso 1:100



The event programme will cater for a range of demographics, with scheduled performances and experiences that are inclusive for all audiences and circumstances, promoting equality.




Roof occupied by gardeners, harvesting vegetation for the kitchen, creating a sustainable looped system


Staff vehicles concealed out of sight


Diners experiencing hearty food, music, comedy and drama








Passers by given space to appreciate the environment

Micro 1:10


View of the first floor during the evening expressing the lightwell/staircase feature that seperating the stage, bar and booth seating from the upper floor. Material choices are mainly timber paneling, re-used brick and glass to create a traditional, mellow and intimate atmosphere

5 point plan of action:


-  Model the walkway to test principles of light and circulation

-  Develop the arrangement of internal space to better accommodate routines

-  Refine the buildability and material composition of the facade

-  Create greater distinction between public and private space concerning backstage areas and its balcony

-  Draw scaled plans to further explore the operations of the roof garden and car park

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